What’s Your Excuse?

Excuses.  I’m pretty good at convincing myself and others around me. I have come up with lot’s of reasons over different seasons about why I could not go after what God was calling me to do.  Let’s see…I’ve been too busy, too single, too female, too fat, too quiet, too….  Go ahead, fill in the blank.

What are your excuses?  What makes you not enough?  What keeps you from going for all God has for you?  What do you allow to count you out? Continue reading “What’s Your Excuse?”

Lessons I’ve Learned From A Life That Didn’t Go As Planned

I don’t know that any aspect of my life is as I thought it would be when I was younger.  It is not at all the picture I had in my mind.  This truth has been the source of some, o.k., a lot of heartache and questioning for me.  As I have wrestled with God over the years about the disparity between the life I wanted and the life I have, I think I have learned and continue to learn a few things that I hope will encourage you if you find yourself in a life script that you would not have written for yourself.

Be Happy Today – Don’t wait for tomorrow.  Don’t wait until you’ve finished.  Don’t wait until you’ve arrived.  Don’t wait until the finish line.  Celebrate today.  Give thanks today. Rejoice over progress not just completion.  Life is happening now, embrace it.

Your Circumstances Don’t Define You – Oh, society will scream loudly and well intending people will label you, but you are so much more than your circumstances. Continue reading “Lessons I’ve Learned From A Life That Didn’t Go As Planned”

Is Your Maturity Showing?

I’m sure you have all seen a little one, throwing a major fit, maybe some of you parents have wee ones who are testing you with these episodes currently.  I’m talking all out whining, crying, kicking and screaming, maybe thrashing around on the floor a bit for maximum effect. Cute, isn’t it? Not!

Or how about the child whose motto is, “never let them see you sweat”.  No matter, what the parent may say or do they are the immovable rock.   I think we call this one, “the strong-willed child”.   I don’t care if you ground me, spank me, take my very life away, I shall not be moved! Fun, huh?  Not so much. Continue reading “Is Your Maturity Showing?”

Change is Gonna Come

Well, if there’s one thing you can count on…Things are gonna change! Although there may be a few folks in this world that relish the thought of change, from my vantage point, most don’t.

It’s hard enough to change when it’s something we choose, when we’re the ones directing the momentum behind the change, but change when we had no say in the matter, when it’s not the choice we would’ve made and we feel like we’re forced to go along for the ride anyway…Watch Out! That’s when we really get worked up. Continue reading “Change is Gonna Come”