Running on Empty

As with most things I sit down to write, I do so from a place of miss not mastery.  I think it’s important to point this out for a few reasons.

  • To remind myself that my weaknesses and yours if we let them, can be used maybe even more so than our wins.
  • To ensure I’m honest with you and myself that I don’t have it all figured out.  Not even close.
  • To confess that I’d like to write as a subject matter expert, but I’m not and that means I usually have to wrestle with myself before I am willing to put my mess in words.

If after all this, you still want to proceed, well you’ve been warned 🙂

Several years ago I was on a solo road trip, headed home from a visit with my friend in California. I guess to increase the adventure factor and see some new scenery, I decided to veer off my normal I-5 route.  You know, as Mr. Frost would say, “take the road less traveled”.  

Now had I been on my usual route, I could’ve easily determined where to fill up my gas tank and I’d already established my usual spots, however, this trip I was in unchartered territory.  I wasn’t sure where to fill up or when my next opportunity may come.  I saw an exit coming up with a gas station logo on the sign and looked down at my fuel tank indicator on the dash noting I had about a quarter of a tank.  I was getting low and quickly considered, “Do I stop now or hold out for the next opportunity?”  For whatever reason, I decided to keep it moving, I had a bit of increasing concern as I passed the exit but was not in a full blown panic mode yet, however, the longer I kept a look out for a gas station sign, the more my anxiety grew.  

Next thing I know, a light on the dashboard catches my attention.  The gaslight indicator is now on and I’m faced with the fact that I’m officially running on empty. This means I likely have about 20 miles before I’m stranded on the side of the road in the middle of nothingness with little to no cell phone reception in a 100+ degree heat.  If only I had pulled off and fueled up when I had the opportunity!

This is the road trip memory that has come back to me recently as I think about my life and it’s current state.  If I’m being honest, I’ve been running on fumes for awhile, maybe I’ve been trying to outrun some things, maybe it’s been a push to make it to my desired destination, maybe I’ve been zoned out focusing on the wrong things and missed the indicators.  Maybe, you find yourself, like me, running on empty and feeling like you’re just trying to limp yourself along to some fuel or worse yet, maybe you’re already broken down on the side of the road wondering if help will come.

Here’s the tough part, I don’t know all the answers and even if I did, it’s hard when you’re running on empty to have the drive to accomplish whatever the answer may require.  Here are a few thoughts I’ve been considering as I attempt to address my own empty tank.

  1. Face the Facts – You can’t do much to get out of a dire situation if you haven’t admitted you’re in one.  
  2. It’s OK to Need Help – I call AAA if I need roadside assistance but who do I call when I need assistance with life?  Prayer, a friend, a therapist, call for help, we all need it but only some of us are willing to admit it. Be willing to ask for what you need.
  3. Find Something That Fills You Up – Every day, find one thing. It can be overwhelming to see all that may need some repair in your life.  So pick something, just one thing each day that will fuel your soul a bit.  Get outside in nature, meet a friend for coffee, listen to some great music, have some self care, whatever fills you up, do some of that.
  4. Be Patient With Yourself – Berating yourself, getting frustrated with your progress,  this does nothing to get you further down the road. Give yourself time, drop the comparisons and be nice to you.
  5. Remember Pit Stops are Necessary – If you’re emotional, physical or spiritual gas light indicator is on, pay attention and pull over. Sit for a moment and assess your situation.  Don’t just keep moving, it’s alright to take a breath or two, get some perspective, fuel up and when you are rested enough, continue. This way you can head back out on the open road and actually enjoy the trip.

Ultimately, I did make it to the gas station on fumes, filled up and made it home. However, my approach to this particular road trip wasn’t the best idea and it’s certainly not the way to approach life even though many of us do.  My hope for you and for myself is that we learn to fuel up and make pit stops regularly, so we can accomplish all we are meant to on this road trip of life until we reach our final destination.

The Cost of Avoidance

Friends, it’s been a theme of my life. I wonder if you’ve found it in yours as well? I avoid things.

Not all things. I embrace laughter and watching the sunset never gets old to me. Coffee? Yes, please, A day at the spa, sign me up! Time with a good friend, the best!

I avoid hard things. Things that cause discomfort, pain, heartache, unpleasant feelings of all kinds, forms and variations. I will walk away, I might even run. I will shut down and crawl inside myself so tightly that the very jaws of life don’t stand a chance. I work very hard to avoid things. I am adamant about avoiding things. I will fight tooth and nail to avoid things. I will stand my ground and stiffen my neck to avoid things. I take avoiding hard things very seriously!

Continue reading “The Cost of Avoidance”

Bring It To The Light

When I was a little girl, I hated the dark.  Going to bed at night needed to involve a night light and if for some reason I woke up and needed my mom or dad, my heart would palpitate at the thought of having to get through the dark house to get to safety.   I would close my eyes and run the length of the house and as quickly as my feet would carry me, scoot into my parents room where I didn’t have to be alone in the dark.

It’s strange as I think back to this because somewhere throughout life, I have grown comfortable with the dark.  Now for sleeping purposes this is just fine, but what is concerning is how comfortable I’ve grown with the darkness in everyday life.

Anyone else out there prone to darkness?  For me, darkness is easy.  Continue reading “Bring It To The Light”

Down But Not Out

When Herod was king of Judea, there was a Jewish priest named Zechariah. He was a member of the priestly order of Abijah, and his wife, Elizabeth, was also from the priestly line of Aaron.  Zechariah and Elizabeth were righteous in God’s eyes, careful to obey all of the Lord’s commandments and regulations.  They had no children because Elizabeth was unable to conceive, and they were both very old. – Luke 1:5-7

I’m wondering if you’ve ever had hopes and dreams that didn’t turn out?  A great plan that just never came to be?  I hope you can answer “no” to these questions, but my guess is, if you are breathing, you’ll probably answer “yes”.  Our circumstances may be different but dwindling hope feels the same doesn’t it? 

As I read Luke 1:5-7 I am challenged by Zechariah and Elizabeth’s response to their unfulfilled dreams and likely dwindling hopes. Continue reading “Down But Not Out”

Beyond Me

1 John 2:15-17New Living Translation (NLT). Do Not Love This World

15 Do not love this world nor the things it offers you, for when you love the world, you do not have the love of the Father in you. 16 For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions. These are not from the Father, but are from this world. 17 And this world is fading away, along with everything that people crave. But anyone who does what pleases God will live forever.

Is this passage relevant to our daily lives or what?  Wow!  After reading it, my first thought is that this passage needs to be in regular rotation for me.  I don’t know about you, but living in this world, it seems we are bombarded relentlessly by all kinds of messages that attempt to influence how we spend our time and attention and the majority of those things have no eternal value.  Continue reading “Beyond Me”

Lessons from the Pain

How do you respond when you feel unsafe?  When you have exposed your weakness in an effort to be authentic, only to get a swift kick in the gut as a “thank you”.

I can tell you what my immediate reflex is.  Shut down mode.  Walls up.  Armor on.

How do you remain open and real in the midst of betrayal?  How do you continue to fully show up and engage when you have been hurt and disappointed?  How do you find a path forward with someone who may never own up to the harm they’ve caused? Continue reading “Lessons from the Pain”

It Is What It Is

Probably one of my least favorite phrases in life has been, “It is what it is”.  I think because I’ve seen it used as response to settling for less or a hall pass for not showing up for excellence.  When details are left unattended, things are seemingly falling apart and that one person just chimes in with, “it is what it is”.  That comment in the thick of things sends me to another stratosphere.  What I feel like I’m hearing is, “deal with it”, “it’s fine, get over it”, “it’s not a big deal, move on” and these notions irritate the life out of me!

Anyone else?  Please say yes!  Continue reading “It Is What It Is”

What is Your Pain Telling You?

Pain is always telling us something if we’re listening.  Lately, the blister I developed on my left pinky toe was telling me I needed to invest in a new pair of shoes.

The problem with pain is you have to feel it in order to hear what it’s telling you.  Ignoring it won’t work, numbing it only lasts momentarily and running from it is awfully tiring. Continue reading “What is Your Pain Telling You?”

What Does Your Pain Drive You To?

Self reflection can be tiring, but I would assume fairly essential to recognizing what in life may need changed.  So this is the question I’ve been chewing on lately.  Do I turn to the right “things” when life is hard?  When I’m overwhelmed?  When I’m ______ (you can fill in the blank).

More importantly, I have been examining what my initial reactions are…what’s my default position when the going get’s tough?  Who or what do I turn to when I need comfort? Continue reading “What Does Your Pain Drive You To?”

I Just Called To Say I Love You

Ok, how many of you are singing in your head now?  Love me some Stevie Wonder!  Somewhere in my childhood memories, I remember my dad calling in to the local radio station, MIXX 96.1, where in response to his melodious on air delivery of the lyrics, “I just called to say, I love you, I just called to say how much I care, I just called to say, I love you and I mean it from the bottom of my heart.”.  Well, in response to that he won a fairly large supply of Diet Coke! It was a day of celebration in our household!!

Now, I can’t promise that your proclamation of love for someone will win you Diet Coke, but I do believe it will spread lot’s of goodness around.  It is so easy in life to know inside that we love others, but how often do we on purpose, tell them?  When was the last time, you called them just to say “I love you”? Continue reading “I Just Called To Say I Love You”