I Just Called To Say I Love You

Ok, how many of you are singing in your head now?  Love me some Stevie Wonder!  Somewhere in my childhood memories, I remember my dad calling in to the local radio station, MIXX 96.1, where in response to his melodious on air delivery of the lyrics, “I just called to say, I love you, I just called to say how much I care, I just called to say, I love you and I mean it from the bottom of my heart.”.  Well, in response to that he won a fairly large supply of Diet Coke! It was a day of celebration in our household!!

Now, I can’t promise that your proclamation of love for someone will win you Diet Coke, but I do believe it will spread lot’s of goodness around.  It is so easy in life to know inside that we love others, but how often do we on purpose, tell them?  When was the last time, you called them just to say “I love you”? Continue reading “I Just Called To Say I Love You”

I Thank You

Father God,

For family and friends around me, I thank you.

For love and laughter that is best shared, I thank you.

For grace and mercy that is so undeserved, I thank you.

For your abundant blessing and provision, I thank you.

For your faithfulness in all seasons, I thank you.

For joy even in the midst of pain, I thank you.

For sunshine and rain, I thank you.

For beginnings and endings, I thank you.

For answers that have come and those that I wait for, I thank you.

For your Word that instructs me, I thank you.

For shining your light in the dark places, I thank you.

For knowing me and loving me still, I thank you.

For forgiving me and setting me free, I thank you.

For allowing me to be a part of your great plan, I thank you.

For accepting me as I am and seeing all I can be, I thank you.

For being on my side and wanting what’s best for me, I thank you.

For your love that never fails, I thank you.

For all these things and so much more, I thank you ❤





In ALL Circumstances

Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. – 1 Thessalonians 5:18

All circumstances?  I mean, many of us aren’t thankful in favorable circumstances, let alone ALL.  All includes, the messy circumstances, the frustrating circumstances, the painful circumstances, the trying circumstances and yet as you can see God’s word states that it is His will for you & me to be thankful in ALL circumstances.

We may not be thankful for the circumstance, but we can be thankful in it.   We would not choose difficult circumstances for ourselves or for those we love, but there is so much to be thankful for right in the middle of the mess. Continue reading “In ALL Circumstances”

Tender and Grateful

As I begin to write this, I’m not sure you will ever see it.  Honestly, sometimes I refrain from writing because what I think is likely to come pouring out of me is so raw and real that I’m not sure if I’m ready to look at it let alone willing to fling it into the “universe”.

I’ve had a rough week.  Sometimes I am at a loss to express what I’m going through, maybe because I’m not quite sure myself and I feel that if I do share, no one is going to understand the battle I’m facing, so why waste my breath trying to explain when I’m already exhausted to begin with?  So, I sigh and say it’s fine and keep it moving; which leads me to my next train of thought that may be responsible for derailing me.  No matter how trying it is, I’ll just try more, try harder, longer, faster, smarter and guess what?  It’s never enough and well, that’s a real bummer. Continue reading “Tender and Grateful”

Amazing Grace

“Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me, I once was lost but now I’m found was blind but now I see…”.  These well-known and loved hymn lyrics quickly come to mind when I think of the word G-R-A-C-E.  I also think of my great Aunt whose name is Grace, I always remember as a child thinking what a pretty name that was.  I think I was onto something there, Grace is a beautiful thing…God’s grace for me, in demonstrating his love & forgiveness to me when I didn’t & don’t deserve it.  Yet He gives it freely, He has been soooo very gracious to me. Continue reading “Amazing Grace”

I’m Rich!!

I guess you would have to buy a lotto ticket to win millions. I’ve never bought one, but I’ve had some fun thinking about what I would do with my winnings! It’s amazing how we can always come up with something that we “need” 🙂

Truth be told as a middle class American I am richer than 99% of the planet’s population and yet at times, I am not content with what I have, I am thinking of the new furniture I’d like to have or that handbag that is calling my name.  It is so easy for me to get consumed with “stuff” and it’s so stupid, cause you and I both know, “stuff” doesn’t matter, it doesn’t last, it doesn’t even bring true happiness, in most cases “stuff” just leaves you wanting some more “stuff”! Continue reading “I’m Rich!!”

Learning To Count

I remember my dad saying to me multiple times growing up, “no child of mine is going to be an ingrate”! Is that even a word? Either way, I knew exactly what he meant and I knew that he also meant my attitude needed some adjusting and a little thanks and gratitude were in order. I would love to say that I now have this lesson down pat, but I regret to say, I still suffer from a less than pleasing attitude from time to time. Continue reading “Learning To Count”

It’s Not About Me

Well, it may sound highly self absorbed of me and it probably is, but one of my life long lessons has been learning that this life is “not about me”.  Boy, I’d like to say it’s been an easy lesson to learn, but I’d be lying, it’s tough and still can be on a frequent basis (confessions good for the soul, right?).

I can remember as a child when this painful truth just started to become apparent to me.  My birthday is on the 4th of July and every year for MY birthday a big multi-million dollar production of fireworks was set off for my special day, I even saw fireworks on the television, everyone was into celebrating MY special day…imagine my 5 year old horror when I realized the fireworks weren’t necessarily for ME, they had something to do with Independence day and freedom or something like that?!  Or imagine my shock, when I stay home from school because I’m sick and the school actually still opened without MY attendance!  The painful lesson began… Continue reading “It’s Not About Me”